These are some examples of conditional formatting rules that you can create in Outlook 2013. Hi Bobby, Based on my test, Conditional formatting criteria under Advanced tab uses OR logic when added to the list separately. To add a new conditional formatting rule, click Add, in the Name box, type a name, click Font to specify the formatting, and then click Condition to specify the criteria for this rule.

To change the text formatting, click the rule, and then click Font. To change the criteria for a rule, click the rule, and then click Condition. (This is the format you want applied when the message meets the condition.) Click Condition. To temporarily turn off a rule, clear the check box for that rule. Click Font, choose Red from the Color dropdown ( Figure A ), and then click OK. Then I'll test it using the Email Template Testing Tool. For my experiment, I'm going to create a very simple HTML email template with conditional code. The only way to test an email template is by opening it on Outlook. Outlook rules listed higher have the precedence. Notes: The Move Up and Move Down buttons change the order of the conditional formatting rules. To delete a rule, click the rule, and then click Delete. Unfortunately, you can't just open a template in a web browser and look at it. To delete a rule, click on the rule, and then click Delete (this button is enabled only for user's rules, not for the predefined conditional formatting rules). In addition, any conditional formatting rules that you created in the Organize pane with an earlier version of Outlook appear. This rule makes unread messages appear bold in the message list. In the Advanced View Settings dialog box, click Conditional Formatting.Ī set of default rules appears. Create a new Conditional Formatting rule with a unique color. Press the Font button to set the highlighting options of your choice. In the Current View group, click View Settings. tab View-> View Settings-> button Conditional Formatting. Make all messages that contain the word holiday in the subject or message body appear blue Make all messages that contain the word Contoso in the subject appear green

Make all messages from John Kane appear in red Conditional text formatting is now accessed in the Advanced View Settings dialog box.
After changing the font to provide a visual difference, we need to tell Outlook how to identify the email. Once you’re done with that, click on the Font button where you can change the style, size, and color. You’ll see some default rules, click on the add button, and then rename the rule. Thanks for any help you are able to provide.Note: Beginning with Microsoft Outlook 2010, the Organize feature that enabled you to create conditional text formatting rules for email messages was removed. Click the button for Conditional Formatting. PS, i have 2 email accounts set up in outlook if that makes any difference. I have played around with adding variations of my name to the Advanced tab which works fine with the 'Where i am' tick box un-selected but the minute i turn it on again the formatting skips messages that aren't my exact display name.

Is there something i've missed or is this an error in the program? If i change my User Name under account settings information then only those messages that are specifically sent to my email address are formatted - ie not John Smith. I assumed Outlook would base the selection on the underlying email address rather than the display name but that isn't the case here.
If the sender has simply typed my email address it is not formatted, not is it formatted if they have stored me as a contact with say Johnny or Jack Smith. Microsoft defines a way to write conditional HTML that will be revealed in those clients that don't understand Microsoft's proprietary 'conditional comments': < if mso> HTML meant for non-Outlook clients < endif>.Only emails received with exactly John Smith as the to field are formatted. Imagine my email account was set up with as my email address and It appears that if the sender has saved me as a contact and changed my display name it's not being recognised. The problem i'm having is it is not picking up all messages sent only to me. Click Conditional Formatting button (its called Automatic Formatting in older versions of Outlook.) Click Add and enter a name for the formatting rule choose your Font. My issue is with conditional formatting and which field Outlook 2010 uses to identify an email sent only to me? I am familiar with conditional formatting and have set up a conditional format to colour all messages sent only to me using the 'where iĪm - the only person in the To box' tick box. I know this is not exactly a developers question but i have used MS answers and read everything i could find on the internet about it and still haven't sorted it out so am hoping someone here can clarify for me please.