Buy grand slam tennis 2
Buy grand slam tennis 2

buy grand slam tennis 2 buy grand slam tennis 2

The career covers 10 years/seasons and just gets repitive. The career was a good in the sense it had the licensed grand slam tournaments and licensed stadui which made it more authentic but for me it is way too long and boring with even less variety than Top Spin's similarly single-minded campaign Sega remains streets ahead in this regard. Though it never feels entirely intuitive, particularly when you're moving around with the left stick and to be honest i`ve never seen the point of having the feature as those familiar with existing tennis games might wish to start with the Arcade controls, where you can choose from a quick tap to return the ball with an average amount of force, or wind up for a more powerful stroke by holding the button and releasing when it reaches you. Then you have the new Total Racquet controls, which map strokes of all kinds to the right stick, the triggers acting as modifiers for lobs and drop shots, topspin ,flat and slice shots.


The gameplay is excellent the graphics in the game are exceptional plus the way the game has adapted the way players move like their real selfs like Nadal and his topsin technique and even grunt sound and others like roddicks unique serving style and many more make the game seem realistic, in addition to the ESPN replays in game. unsurprisingly EA Sports has in my view made a brilliant authentic tennis game. Making a new tennis game must be a daunting prospect given that On one side of the court there's the zesty arcade brio of Virtua Tennis, with the controlled, sim-like approach of Top Spin on the other.

Buy grand slam tennis 2